Everything is Related: Star Trek and Geppetto

As you may or may not know, DC, Doug and I are going on a Star Trek Cruise in March.

To make most trips more interesting for DC, I always try to come up with something that he likes and relate it to the thing we are going to do.

(See: The Everything is Related Series)

Now, DC is my child so OF COURSE he knows Star Trek. One of the first signs he learned when he was younger and before he was verbal was the “Live Long and Prosper” sign. He did not understand “Live Long and Prosper” but it was his sign for Mr. Spock.

But still I have tried to find things relate-able to Disney or other movies and characters that he loves just to be sure he is excited.

Other than “the Captain who shall not be named”; who will be there, he does have an affection for, to put it mildly, Nana Visitor strictly from Deep Space 9, no relating necessary in that case.

He loves Levar Burton from Reading Rainbow, but unfortunately, he will not be in attendance.

Whoopie Goldberg, who will not be in attendance is relate-able for DC from Sister Act, the Cheshire Cat in some version of Alice in Wonderland  and a YouTube clip from the View where she is introducing the cast of Shrek the Musical (to the person who posted that clip; you are welcome for the thousands of views).

He has met Robert Picardo more than once so he is definitely recognizable to DC.

Now, he does of course, recognize all of these characters just from all of the series’ playing on our television most of the time. He can tell me which series we are watching and he does know some of the character names. I do always point out which characters will be on the ship when they show up on screen.

I am not worried he will not have a good time.

But…. relating someone to some other character that he knows always brings it over the top for him and I wasn’t having much luck in that area.

Last night we happened to be watching an episode of TNG.

The beginning credits were running. I was not really paying attention when DC said:

Brent Spiner. Not Stromboli in “The Wonderful World of Disney’s Geppetto” (we must always recite the entire title of any movie, book or television series)

When DC tells me that someone is NOT a character, what he is actually telling me is that the actor IS the character; in this case “Stromboli” in the movie he just mentioned but he is not playing that character in this movie or television series we are watching at the time.

DC has been watching his Geppetto DVD … um, excuse me: “The Wonderful World of Disney’s Geppetto” for many years. I had never seen it, but I looked it up and he was correct!

Apparently, DC had not ever recognized him as Data, but he did recognize his name in the credits, because he does know the name of every person that has played or lent their voice to any Disney character.

– But you know that all ready.

Once again, DC did the work for me.

I will have to have him watch more of the credits on the other series. Maybe he can pick out a few more people that he knows.

Suggestions are always welcome.