Yes Fezzes are still cool

My final Halloween 2015 re-run for the season (Re-run, I said. There will be a 2016 wrap-up after Halloween).


“Fezzes are cool”

Fezzes are cool

(The last Halloween post for 2015 – I promise. It’s a Halloween wrap, one could say.  This post is not as long as it appears to be – there are a good number of pictures because, you know…. it’s Halloween and I have no restraint)

As costumes go, this year was really not all that difficult.

  • He chose costumes that actually existed.
  • We were able to find all of his requests in his size.
  • The two that I did have to buy in pieces to make up the costumes were not all that difficult to put together because the pieces actually exist.

It was a relatively easy year.

Yes, we had the whole “Jim Dear” bump in the road but luckily and unexpectedly it worked out  so – Jim Dear will be counted and included in his “costume parade” this year and of course included in his annual Halloween book that he receives for Christmas each year.

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– We do take this holiday very seriously.

We may be a little bit over the top, but he loves it and I am perfectly happy to encourage and go with it!

Onward….. his first second choice – the costume that he wore to his Work/Day Program Halloween Dance and the reason (well partially the reason) he was so excited when I brought out that nightmarish pair of glass slippers….

Prince Charming – the REAL Costume this time.


He even had the opportunity to escort a real princess to the dance. We were not allowed to call her a princess, she is the “Zombie Prom QUEEN!” But to DC, she was a princess – just don’t tell *Salli. Her costume must and should always be identified properly using the official name. Never a Princess!

A few days later we were going to the Haunted Miniature Golf Course to work at a table to support DC’s summer camp. Wearing a costume was not something I had thought about, believe it or not. When I realized the day before I ventured into my costume closet to see if there was something in there for him to wear at the last minute.

The Costume Closet: Let’s talk about the costume closet. DC and I live in a very small duplex. There is no storage and really nowhere to put anything, but still I have an entire closet devoted to Halloween Costumes (Priorities, people!). This closet is beyond ridiculous. I really can not find anything. I don’t even know everything that is in there at this point, but I was hopeful. The other issue with pulling out an old costume is that many of them will not fit him any longer. DC is a big boy.

I saw something with a black cape. I was able to get at it without the rest of the closet caving in on me. It was a Jack the Ripper costume. The only reason that I can think of for having a Jack the Ripper costume is that I must have thought I could use all or part of it for one of DC’s requests for a costume that did not exist. I don’t recall ever using it though. It had a black vest, a black cape and a top hat. It was trimmed in red. I showed it to him and asked if he would like to wear it to the golf course. I got an emphatic “Yes”. The boy just loves a cape. We tried it on. I was worried about the vest but it fit – PHEW. He went to look at himself in the mirror.

I asked: “DC who are you?”

“Captain Von Trapp”


I have no idea why he thought he looked like Captain Von Trapp unless there is some obscure scene in the Sound of Music where either Christopher Plummer or Stephen Moyer is wearing a cape. If DC thinks so, then there probably is.

Only because I was still a bit confused about the Captain Von Trapp thing, I asked him again who he thought he looked like. This time the answer was “Doc Terminus” (Jim Dale from Pete’s Dragon for those of you that have not seen every Disney movie ever made). That actually made perfect sense. He did look like him, more than he looked like Captain Von Trapp, anyway.

IMG_1648Of course we did have a mustache on hand to complete the look.

We were scheduled to man the table a second day and fortunately I did not have to venture into the dreaded closet again. I remembered his Grease garb from a Grease Sing-A-Long that we attended a few years ago that was hanging in his own closet – SCORE!  It had a jacket which was perfect as it can get mighty cold out there and there is nothing worse than having to wear a coat or jacket over one’s Halloween costume.

Nothing… Seriously… Look it is just not done!

The second best part was that it was easy and recognizable……


except that everyone called him “Elvis” – everyone.

His camp party came just two days after the golf course. His choice……. “Hook” but not the Disney Captain Hook (yay!)- Captain Hook from the television show “Once Upon a Time” (yay, again). I was happy with this choice. It is a popular character on a current TV show. Other than the Big Bang Theory last year, he really never chooses or has any interest in anything current, so usually No One Knows What He Is Supposed To Be. 

HookPirates UNITE!

He even ran into another pirate at the party.

Fortunately no swords were drawn – it was all very amicable.

Moving on to my very favorite costume of the season!  This one for the Best Buddies Halloween party.

Dr. Who – the 10th Dr.! (DC’s favorite DR (mine as well)  and the greatest challenge of the season – David Tennant’s hair.

  • Two ruined wigs
  • DC loosing his stuff over the hair clippings – everywhere.
  • DC loosing his stuff over the hair glue (extra strength mouse, but I really think it IS glue) everywhere.

I finally had to give it up or the costume that he was so excited about would turn into something he did not want to wear or hear about – ever again. I think we still made the point even with the rather ridiculous hairdo.

bb halloween 008

One could truly say the was “The Madman with a box.”

DC and his Best Buddy

DC and his Best Buddy

Traveling in his “Big” (very, very big) Blue Box through space and time to somewhere in New England – coordinates set for October 31, 2015 and regeneration complete…….

comes…….The 11th Doctor.

Fezzes are very cool

Although David Tennant, the 10th Dr. is DC’s favorite – He would not pass up the opportunity to wear a FEZ.

But seriously……Who could??

“Fezzes are cool”

Happy Halloween!

Social Security, Adult Children, Lessons Learned and a Heads Up


If you follow my Facebook page at all, you may have seen the status below. I wrote it out of aggravation but mostly because it was something that I unknowingly did (or didn’t do) that I wanted to share it in the hopes of keeping someone from making the same mistake.

If you did read the status earlier, do not stop here. There is more to the story and it only gets worse, so please read on…

Before I get to that I want to say that I always did everything for DC ahead of time. I never waited until the last minute for anything. I wanted everything in place for the time when I was no longer around to look after him. When you are a single parent of a child with no siblings and you begin to get older, this moves to the forefront of your mind. If you have followed this blog for any length of time, you know that this something that completely occupies my mind.

Here is the beginning of the story. The account in question as it turns out, had a cash out value of $2600.00. Owning the  account in question was technically my fault, not for lack of doing my due diligence but more for the lack of not receiving the correct information from people who were supposed to know. But really, even if this was something that I had not checked into or something that I had forgotten about, this was a mistake – a plain and simple mistake.

We had our annual Social Security assessment the other day.
 I may be the most unorganized person in the world, but not when it comes to my child. I go out of my way to make sure everything is done on time and properly. 12 years ago we had the paperwork drawn up for his “Special Needs” Trust – that will be funded with a “second to die” policy. I made sure NOTHING was in his name. I made sure that everyone knew not to buy him savings bonds or leave money to him in their will. When DC turned 18, we had to apply for SS in order to apply for Title 19, in order to keep our DDS (Department of Developmental Services) caseworker and DDS funding for his work program and for future placement when I (and his Dad) am gone as he will most likely be living in a group home because there is no one else.

Years ago through my job, I purchased a life insurance policy for myself. It was one of those policies that they offer at a very low premium that never increases even if you leave the employer that you purchased it through. DC was an infant at the time.

They also talked me into a policy for DC. When they first brought it up,  I though it was odd. Why would anyone buy a policy on their child?

 It was explained to me that the benefit of buying it then and at an even smaller premium than my own was that when he turned 18, I could turn it over to him. It would be his policy to do with what he wished. He could cash it out for the cash value or he could keep it as his own life insurance at the same premium. He was an infant at the time so of course I did not know that when he was 18 he would not be able to understand money, hold a regular job, tell time or even understand what a life insurance policy is.

Because he does not understand any of this I never transferred it over to him. The premiums were paid electronically all of these years from my checking account and the premiums were combined with mine and so small that I really just didn’t pay attention any more – I really just forgot about it. I would get a statement once a year, but other than that, it was not anything that was on my mind.  I had at one time planned on closing it since, not having transferred it over to him made it of no benefit to him, but since it was not his account and there was no urgency to close it, I just let it go. I was involved with so much other paperwork at the time, this was the last thing on my mind.

I DID mention this account to anyone and everyone that asked, the attorney who did our trust, and SS when we had our re-determinations. The only reasons I would not have mentioned it every single time were, 1. it didn’t happen to be a question they asked at that particular time or 2. because I had been told that since I did not turn it over to him, he had absolutely no rights to the account. I was the owner, it was not his account.

For some reason during our last re-determination this policy became an issue. Again, as I never turned it over to him, I am the account owner. If he were capable of understanding what a policy is and said “Oh let me cash this out.” he would not be able to do so because I am the owner of the account. No one could do anything with this policy but me. But, because it exists, and he is the insured even though he does not own or will ever benefit from the account and could not access the cash out value or even be given any information about the account due to privacy laws  – I was told that his benefits would be suspended until I could get the account closed, spend the money and prove I had spent it on him. Which is fine, I could do that, but these things are what my nightmares are made of. I am glad this happened while I am alive to fix it, but what if it happened later when it accumulated even more money?

I did just that. I closed the account, spent the money on things that he would be needing anyway. I sent all of the information to the Social Security office and I hoped that because I got the account closed and the money spent before the deadline his benefits would not be interrupted.

Well, I received a letter yesterday with the the results of the review. The good news is that his benefits will not be suspended because I was able to close the account and spend the money.

The bad news?

Because he had over 2000.00 in resources (that could not be withdrawn or accessed by him <I am going to keep saying that>, in an account that was not his and he was not the owner of) we have to pay back 12,000.00 – I’ll spell that out for you – Twelve Thousand Dollars – in benefits that he received between his last re-determination (May 2015) and this current re-determination in September 2016. Because he had 600.00 too much during that time period, he should not have been able to collect Social Security benefits and it has to be paid back.

My choices are – Write a check for 12,000.00 (they want it all in one lump sum, not in payments) or they will deduct 73.00 from his monthly checks. He will be paying this back for 13 years!

Listen, I am one for following the rules – always and for everything – I admit that I can be a little bit obsessive about it at times and I fully admit that this was my fault, an honest mistake. I was not keeping it a secret – if I had, they would not have known about it. I was sure there would be some sort of penalty to pay and being that this was my mistake, I was perfectly willing to pay it to keep his benefits in place so I do not have to worry about him later.

It is unfortunate that this system we have for people with disabilities is set up so these people (our children) are required to live in poverty. It is designed that way.  I understand that in order to maintain this level of poverty recipients  can not have over $2000.00 at any given time. People make mistakes, honest mistakes. We as parents should not have to live in fear that we may have over-looked something or that a family member might leave our children money against our wishes and without our knowledge, make them a beneficiary on a life insurance policy or in this case, have an account that was supposed to be fine because HE WAS NOT THE OWNER and had no rights to the account – and so many other scenarios that I can’t even come up with now that are out of our control (Give me a few days to obsess about what else can happen and I am sure I can add to that list of “what if’s”). I agree that there should be consequences and penalties for errors. I don’t believe that my child who was not responsible for any of this should be made to pay back 12K in Social Security benefits for the next 13 years. I would have been perfectly willing to transfer that $2600.00 from the account (that he had no rights to and could not access) directly to Social Security.

Although I do believe in following the rules and owning up to my mistakes, twelve thousand dollars for a 600.00 dollar mistake seems a bit extreme.

So the moral to this story is:

If you believe you are being careful and following every rule, you may find out otherwise.

If you’ve done your due diligence and looked into anything that may be a problem, you probably need to look further.

If you have a question about anything you or your child have and even if you are told that it is fine – it may not be fine after all.

I am sure that this will not be the end of the story but I just wanted to share it to possibly save someone else from making the same mistake.


My apologies if this is littered with typos or half sentences – anger does not enhance my already poor proofreading skills in the least…   


Follow Up!

But Wait! There’s More!

There’s Still More (and I was right all along)

Small Battle – Small Victory

From my October/Halloween 2015 Archives and as I discovered this week…. a small victory:

Choosing my battles……..

We went away this weekend to NYC and Sleepy Hollow. We try to take a Halloween Weekend every year to somewhere either “Halloweenish”, Spooky, Historical or where costumes are involved. We will be going to a ComicCon the weekend after Halloween (that counts) so we decided to do just a quick overnight to Sleepy Hollow this weekend. Our usual Halloween destination is Salem MA, but we’ve switched it up the past couple of years mainly due to the fact that Doug is <insert colorful metaphors>  of going to Salem – I, on the other hand, never tire of it.

We had already done a weekend in Sleepy Hollow a couple of years back. We did just about everything there was to do with the exception of the BLAZE. I did not know that in order to do anything in Sleepy Hollow in October, tickets must be purchased on-line ahead of time. Fortunately, once I discovered this and by the skin if my teeth, I was able to get tickets for everything else.

This year we thought ahead and got tickets for the BLAZE early. Since that was all we were going to do in Sleepy Hollow, we decided to first spend the day in New York City (DC’s favorite place), check into our room in Sleepy Hollow and go to the BLAZE at 9:30 PM (the only time available when we purchased the tickets).

I had not been feeling well all week and would have opted to skip the whole thing and stay home on the couch, but DC had already been told about the trip and he already added it to the calendar so that meant it was engraved in stone.

Knowing his propensity to over-pack DVD’s for the sole purpose of stacking them next to him while he watches YouTube on his computer, and knowing full well there would be a visit to a bookstore at some point during the trip, I told him that he could only bring 5 DVD’s and 2 books. I said it more than once. I just didn’t want to have to keep track of a bunch of unnecessary stuff and try to carry a bunch of unnecessary stuff. I just wanted to pack light and get this over with. (I did forget my jacket in the room, so I really couldn’t manage to keep track of the necessary stuff – turns out, they don’t ship forgotten things. We have to go back and get it).

5 DVD’s and 2 books.

“Okay Mom!”

He went about packing his laptop, his DVD’s, his books, and pens to edit said books.

“DC, how many DVD’s did you pack?”

“5 DVD’s – 2 books”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I promise”

When I went to grab the charger for his phone, I found that he already packed that as well. I found THAT to be a bit impressive. He is usually only concerned with his books, DVD’s and laptop.

I told him how proud I was that he remembered his charger by himself. He took that compliment and added that  “I am proud of the 5 DVD’s and 2 books” – he was just pointing out the fact that I forgot to tell him in that sentence that I was proud that he followed the rules.

We spent the day in New York City. We visited all of his favorite places and headed out for Sleepy Hollow about 3 pm. All I wanted to do was sleep for a little while before dinner and the Blaze. In the room I was just telling Doug what a great job DC did packing only what I told him to and remembering his charger, when I noticed a good 15 to 20 DVD’s sitting next to his laptop. Now, this has been an issue before and the celebration over him being sneaky and figuring out that he could just hide them is long over with. I do have to give him props for figuring out if he packed his own charger there would be no reason for me to go into his backpack (a new level of sneakiness), but like Tonya in ‘All the …..small things’, I have to be the mother, even though I knew full well what would be in store for me after reprimanding him.

As soon as he realized that I noticed just how many DVD’s he had with him, it started…..

“I am sorry Mom. I will never lie again!”

“I am so sorry, Mother!”

DC only gets to use his laptop and DVDs on the weekends. That has been the rule for many years. Losing his computer privileges is the only thing that EVER makes any kind of impression on him.

“DC, you lied to me again. I told you the last time you lied to me that you only had one more chance before your lost your computer for the weekend. This was your last chance, so no computer for the weekend.”

(Seriously, as punishments go, this is really not much of one. It was all ready Saturday night. We would be going out soon and we were leaving the hotel the next morning, but this did not matter to him).

Now, 2 inches from my face……

“I promise to never tell a lie again”

“Mom, I’m sorry!” – those of you that know DC, you know that:

He is sorry for absolutely everything! Partially he believes “I’m sorry” will get him out of anything.  Like a typical man, he thinks that saying “I’m sorry” even if he doesn’t know what he’s sorry about will get him out of anything or at least get me to stop talking. If he really wants to bring it home, he goes to: “I’m ‘ter-bly’  sorry” or “I am soooooo sorry”. He’ll even throw in a “Can you ever forgive me?” (movie line), if he thinks it’s necessary.

He says he’s sorry, WHILE he’s doing something he shouldn’t, and will continue right on doing whatever it is because he’s covered, he already said he was sorry. Or he’ll say he’s sorry when he’s about to do something he knows he’s not supposed to do. He’s covered, he said he was sorry!

I heard this and variations of this throughout the evening all recited 2 inches from my face. I won’t go into the amount of times I explained to him that just because he promises not to do it again does not get him out of the punishment he was already given. I understood that he was sorry and I was proud of him for being sorry…… believe me, it was covered and covered.


We did enjoy the Blaze –

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but every few minutes he reverted back into his “I’m sorry” campaign.

Back in the room, he changed his tactic.

“Mom, thank you for much for the trip”

“Mom, thank you so much for the dolls”

“Mom, you are my queen.”

“I love you Mademoiselle”

“I am being so good!”

I did explain to him as I always do that I never would think or say that he was “bad” – he is not bad; he just did something wrong – on purpose.

We went to sleep (remember, I am still not feeling well). 4 or 5 times during the night, I woke up to find this boy 3 inches from my face telling me that he has “Good Behavior”  and “I promise never to lie again”

There are times when DC really does not understand what he has done wrong and I will speak with him and try to get him to understand – this was not one of those times. He knew exactly what he was doing while he was doing it. I can not just let everything go, even though at this point I really wanted to get some sleep. If I gave in now he’d know that I would give in the next time.

Morning came.

He hadn’t packed any paper to bring on the trip so he resorted to writing me apology notes on the inside of his books.

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As many times as he brought it up, there was an explanation for him. I love him, I always love him. I was not happy with the choice that he made to lie and sneak but I am not angry at him. If he does not do it again he would not lose his computer again.

We left the hotel, looked around Sleepy Hollow a bit, had lunch and headed home.

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Monday was a holiday but the weekend was over, which meant his punishment was over. It also meant that he could not use his computer anyway because the weekend was over. He double checked the end of punishment fact with me and was extremely happy to hear that he was correct in his assumption.  We were home all day on Monday and he was quite happy not to use his computer, because Monday is not “the weekend”. But he knew it was ON for the following Friday and I never heard another word about it.

(He understands the word “punishment” from Full House. I originally never used that word – that was all him)

Update October 2016:

We just returned from a non-Halloween themed trip to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. I am happy to report that DC, with out being reminded more than once, did stick to the “5 DVD” rule.

And as a Mom who just loves Halloween, I was very proud of his choices:


That’s my boy!


#TravelingWithDC – New Brunswick and Nova Scotia

You are now entering #Haven – A place to leave your ‘troubles’ behind

“For Sami, Love Daddy” – Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Still, one of my favorites…..

“For Sami, Love Daddy”

Chloe and Sami

In 1992, when Sami, who has Down Syndrome, was 18 months old, her father, Rich, was the Senior Producer for the Sony JumboTron in Times Square. He began producing a series of spots to raise awareness and acceptance of people with Down syndrome to run on the JumboTron during Down syndrome awareness month. He continued to produce these PSA’s on his own until 1994, when he contacted Emily Perl Kingsley.

Emily is an Emmy award-winning writer for Sesame Street, the author of a wonderful essay entitled “Welcome to Holland” and a personal friend of Big Bird. She also has a son with Down Syndrome.

Emily Kingsley immediately saw the value in what Rich was producing and through her contacts involved NDSS. Together they produced spots which included children with Down Syndrome from all around the country.

The response was overwhelming! All of the featured children and their families from 25 different states came to New York City to view the spots on the JumboTron in Times Square.

As there was so much interest that year, NDSS held an event in Times Square the following year, where all the families could gather to watch the video. A wonderful reception followed at Sardi’s for all the families that made the trip.

In 1995, as a result of the success of this event, the NDSS Buddy Walk was born. Again families gathered in Times Square to watch the presentation and then headed up to Central Park for the Buddy Walk.

In 2013,  Sami, then 22 years old, returned to the Square for the event that was created because of her and the love of a father for his beautiful daughter.

“In my heart the event will always be “For Sami Love Daddy”

– Which is how Rich tagged everything he produced…….

For Sami

Sami with her “Best Buddy”, Chloe were featured in the Bright Lights of Times Square in New York City on September 21, 2013.

Sami and Chloe on the JumboTron

Sami and Chloe on the JumboTron

Hi-Five as Sami and Chloe see their photo on the Jumbo Tron

Hi-Five as Sami and Chloe see their photo on the Jumbo Tron


(originally posted in September 2013)

Good thing I did not return that “Jim Dear” hat…

The second in my Halloween 2015 re-run posts. We know that he had asked to be “Jim Dear” from Lady and the Tramp for years and this was the year I found all of those wonderful steam punk suits that would do very well as a Jim Dear costume and I already had the hat. I was excited thinking about how excited he would be and…… he said no!

This follow-up post was all about the way he decided, on his own to make use of the hat.

“No Jim Dear”…. (shhhh… it just may be)


In an earlier post I wrote about the “Jim Dear” derby hat and how after many years of asking to be “Jim Dear” for Halloween, he decided against it – after I had purchased the hat and picked out a few steampunk suit options to surprise him.

Last night we attended the 50th Anniversary Gala for the summer camp that DC attends. DC loves to wear a suit so he was all for it.
After running up the stairs a good 3 to 4 times to “look in the mirror” and admire his handsome self – he came down wearing the “Jim Dear” Hat!


He ran back up to look in the mirror a few more times and returned with a moustache request. Much like his beloved Band-Aids, stick-on moustaches are another staple in our household.

I tried to talk him out of it but he insisted.


All-righty then, the moustache, it is!  I was hoping that he would decide to take it off before we arrived at the party.

He did not.

IMG_1310He wore it a good long time. He received many compliments on his moustache and was very happy with the attention. When we were still at home, he would not tell me who he was supposed to be but as soon as someone at the party asked him if his name was Charlie (Chaplin);  he promptly corrected them “No, Jim Dear!”

with Grandma

with Grandma

He did eventually take it off when it started to get itchy more than halfway through the event.

It is October.

He wore the hat.

He added the moustache.

Jim Dear?……………..Yes, this year.

I guess it just had to be his idea.

Good enough for me.

I will take it!

Jump Magic, Jump!

I have tried for many years to get DC to watch the movie Labyrinth. I always loved it and I just thought that he would too.

Of course he would! How could he not just love it as much as I do?

He didn’t…..

Not one bit….

This has worked a few times over the years… Shrek, not being Disney, was one that he absolutely refused to watch but now he has every sequel and every book – he chose Shrek as his costume a few years ago as well. It works sometimes, but it just was not working with Labyrinth.

He was never a big fan of the the Muppets until the movie with Amy Adams and Jason Sigel came along, but when David Bowie passed away, I decided I would give it one more try.

He watched it – the whole thing. He didn’t fall asleep – his usual escape when I try to get him to watch something that I like – he watched and seemed interested.

I did not realize right away how much he liked it until days later when he was on his iPad trying to search for “Lay-miff”. I had no idea what he was looking/asking for – usually I can get him to spell or sign what I don’t understand but he wouldn’t spell it for me and he was getting frustrated that I didn’t know. This usually leads to him giving up and saying “Nothing wrong” and then I never figure out what he was trying to tell me. So I do really try hard to figure it out before he gets to that point.


DC, can you spell it?

“Lay-miff! Baby! It’s not fair!”

(So I should have gotten the “It’s not fair”, but thought he was telling me it wasn’t fair that I couldn’t understand him)

“Sarah! Baby, Lay-miff!”


Got it! Finally……

He’s seen it many times since and of course found quite a few YouTube clips to watch over and over and over again, boosting someone’s YouTube numbers to viral status I’m sure.

When DC and I picked out his costumes two weeks ago for this, my favorite holiday, I was a little bit disappointed. It was too easy, there were none of the regular “Only in DC’s head” costume choices that..

But as I always say, this is not about me. Not all about me, anyway.

There are the individual costumes for the parties he will attend, but there is also the “annual themed costume” for Halloween night.

His first choice was a pretty funny Tooth Fairy with me as the giant tooth – giant being the operative word as it has been a rough year and a half which led to me gaining a ridiculous amount of weight.  Last year he was The Doctor and I was a giant TARDIS. The year before we were Lizard/Spock, as in “Rock, Paper, Scissors” (no, nobody got it, but I cracked myself up as giant Spock). I never thought there would come a time when I would long for the days when I was only “Slightly large – Inigo Montoya” to his Fezzik or “Not so large – Dr. Horrible” to his Captain Hammer.


The tooth fairy idea came of course from the movie Tooth Fairy with The Rock as the tooth fairy. Right before we placed the order, he changed his mind and decided that he wanted to be Santa. This of course meant that I would be the giant elf. I liked the tooth fairy/tooth idea more, but Santa was his final decision so that was that.

Last week while making a scheduled and promised visit to the book store, I noticed a Spirit Halloween store had opened up right next door. Our costumes had already been ordered and delivered, but we went in – because, well…. I had to. It was there.

As we were walking around looking at all of the costumes and decorations, we happened upon a costume that made both of us gasp at the same time – The Goblin King from Labyrinth! Why hadn’t I thought of that before? There was almost no discussion – he wanted it! There was only one and it just barely fit him, but I think I can do something to loosen it up a bit.

This of course means I will have to be the giant baby, Toby – so there will ultimately be a little bit (very little – it should be an easy one) of building a costume that does not exist and that is fine. I am just happy that I am no longer required to be the giant elf.

No worries, though. I am sure neither Santa or Giant Elf will go to waste…


(Coincidentally, I picked this up for DC the day before the costume store visit at a Comic-Con I attended with my brother and at the time, the costume idea, just never entered my mind)