Earth Day, The Calendar, Groceries and Allergies


Allergy season was  simply brutal last spring and fortunately I have not been hit too badly so far and DC almost not at all (knock wood)

Last year I was not so lucky.

When they did hit me I just was not expecting it so I did not prepare in advance. Yes, it was April and yes, they hit exactly when they normally did but really – it was snowing and cold all month so spring allergies were the last thing on my mind.

Not only were my allergies at Max Capacity but DC discovered a “Holiday” that he never noticed before..

Facbook Status – April 17, 2018

Due to my allergies/bronchitis or whatever the heck is happening, DC missed going to the grocery store on Sunday and again today. (Sunday and Tuesday are grocery days).

No one loves the grocery store as much as this guy so he is getting a “little bit” anxious about it. Believe me, we are not low on food and believe it or not – – because I know you’re thinking it, we are not even out of bananas! 

When we skipped it on Sunday I told him we could probably go on Wednesday if I felt better (I said Wednesday because he has an activity scheduled tonight so his usual trip today (Tuesday) was not even on the table anyway.

The promised trip to the grocery store was written on the calendar as soon as I mentioned it, but he is still very worried that I won’t feel better by then (I do feel a bit better and did take him to his activity tonight). 

I began hearing about the promised trip on Wednesday over and over again. In between asking about the grocery store he also made a point of asking if I was feeling better. His concern would have been lovely if it weren’t really all about the grocery store and  reminding me about the grocery store over and over and over and over and over. 

This morning, still not feeling well,  I finally had enough of listening to this every five minutes, I told him I did not want to hear about the grocery store again until it was time to go on Wednesday and if I heard about it one more time, we would not be going at all.

He stopped asking about the grocery store….but he resorted to reading me the grocery list over and over and over and over again while never specifically mentioning the grocery store……


You will be happy to know that DC finally got to go to the grocery store  so with that behind him,  he is now moving on… 

Looking for any excuse or holiday to go “out to eat” I started hearing about “Earth Day” (another “holiday” he’s never mentioned before) the minute the groceries were put away. 

After hearing about it more than a few times and not wanting to hear about it over and over again all week,  I explained to him that Earth Day is not a “going out to dinner” holiday. It is a leaning about the the Earth holiday so to celebrate Earth Day, we will have to go out for a walk in the woods ….

I have heard nothing more about Earth Day. 


So Happy Earth Day to you all. If you are looking for DC, he will be boycotting.

(I may have spoken too soon about my allergies not being all that bad this year.)


Easters Past and Present


A few random Easter Statuses from over the years…..

How things change and how things don’t…

Day after Easter 2012 – Status (posted 2017 as a Memory)

 (At work with me) Five years ago – day off from school so came to work with me. Serious post-Easter sugar crash in progress.


Easter Eve – April 4, 2015 – Status

So in anticipation of the Easter Bunny, I suppose… 

DC went to bed at 9:00! Seriously, 9:00!

Happy Easter!


Easter – April 5, 2015 – Band-aids and Jelly Beans (not much has changed)

We’ve got Jelly Beans and we’ve got band-aids. Happy Easter!



Easter in Mystic 2015 (posted 2017 as a Memory) – The Band-Aid King

DC sporting his Easter band-aids, which are not to be confused with his birthday, Christmas or every day band-aids



Easter 2016 – New York City Easter Cruise – complete with Creepy Bunny


“Easter Bunny, come over here!” (How freaky is this bunny?)


Easter 2017 – Cape Cod – Phew! The Bunny found us!

DC: Mom! The Easter Bunny visited!

Me: He came to the hotel? Did you see him?

DC: Yes!

Me: What did he look like?

DC: Jelly beans

Me: No, what did the bunny look like?


Me: The bunny. What did he look like?

DC: Chocolate

Happy Easter!


Easter 2018 April 1st – A Trifecta

Happy Easter! DC was very excited to wake up and find his basket this morning, but before he dove in, he had to make sure the calendars were “Flipped” to April. That being done – he could then enjoy his basket. Very confusing having Easter,#CalendarFlipDay and April Fools Day fall on the same day this year. He really never “got” April Fools and I have to explain to him every year that people might play jokes, but he really doesn’t get it. Maybe we’ll just wear some ORANGE later …. 


Easter 2018 – A little bit of confusion

Yesterday we went to Easter Dinner at the place where we usually spend Thanksgiving. For Thanksgiving, we usually spend the weekend. 

We were only going for the day yesterday. I explained to DC that his favorite book/toy store in that area would probably not be open because it was a holiday. (Don’t worry, we did find one place that was open and he managed to find a book).

When we arrived, DC got a little bit upset and said he did not want to go there. I didn’t know why – he usually likes this place, so I attributed it to his “arrival anxiety.
He calmed down eventually and we had a nice dinner.
After dinner, we visited the gift shop (for the book), took a quick ride around the area and we headed home.
Walking up our sidewalk, after arriving home, DC put his arm around me and said:
“Mom, you saved me! Thank you for saving me!”
Me: What did I save you from?
DC: The vacation!
I realized then why he had been so upset when we got to the restaurant. As soon as he saw it, he thought we’d be staying over – without his computer, DVD’s and books.


Easter 2018 – a little more confusion

I posted the other day that we went for Easter Dinner at the place where we usually spend Thanksgiving. I discovered later that DC was nervous that we were staying the weekend without his computer/DVD’s/Books and markers – we weren’t staying. Yesterday (Monday) he, all of a sudden yelled “Happy Easter. Easter is coming! Going to Mystic on Easter!” (in the past, we have gone to Mystic for Easter weekend – We have also gone to Boston and New York for Easter Weekend – and we went where we went this year, just not for the weekend. I don’t know why he is so stuck on Mystic)

Me: (???) DC, Easter was yesterday. Don’t you remember?

DC: (there is nothing that reminds me of his father more than that blank stare)

Me: Don’t you remember that we went to dinner and the toy store was closed but we found a Treasure Island book at a different store? Do you remember you got your Easter Basket in the morning?

DC: Yes. Going to Mystic.

Me: No, we already had Easter. Easter is over.


Me: We can go to Mystic another time, but Easter is over.


So, I can only assume that when we did not stay over on Easter at the place we usually stay for Thanksgiving weekend, he thought we’d come home, get his stuff and head for Mystic.

Or….. he just looking for a Do-Over.


Easter 2019:

We were on vacation for the week before Easter this year. We arrived home late (this) Saturday afternoon.

The vacation was fun but DC was happy to be home. After a week-long of “looking around”, lots of driving, lots of different hotels; Easter will be very low-key and hopefully less confusing than last year.

Just the Easter Bunny (of course) and some Chinese food to check off the holiday “Out To Eat” box.

Meanwhile …. somewhere in PA. Big Bird is applying for the Easter Bunny’s job.

Have a Happy Easter!

The Blue Bulb

A year later … it is still there, again for no other reason except that it is still working and it is difficult to change. Left over from years ago when I was ignorant enough to support “The Organization That Will Not Be Named” (AS). In my and other’s of the same era’s defense – we had nothing else. We were at the mercy of teachers, doctors and professionals who were supposed to know better. We had to learn and change on our own…

I have a blue light

I have a blue light. It is one of those energy saving bulbs that lasts what seems like forever. It has been in my outside porch light for a good 4 (maybe more) years now (and yes, I did notice that there are plenty of dead bugs at the bottom in this photo – that’s life.)

One Halloween about 4 years ago (maybe 5) it was my turn to host the annual Halloween/Trick or Treat party for DC and his friends. We would still be giving out candy so I wanted to find a bulb that would not interfere with the lights and decorations I had put up, as the regular porch light bulb would.

I rummaged around and came across an old bulb from back in the day when I used to Light- it-Up Blue.  The porch light is not easy to change and if the bulb works, I am not changing it. There it sits – four (or maybe 5) years later. Obviously, I do not turn my porch light on all that often for it to last that long.

We did not have Autism Awareness when DC was young. We did not have World Autism Day, so when Autism Awareness started to become a thing, I was all for it. I naively believed that the awareness would encompass all of the spectrum.  If your child happens to fall somewhere on the spectrum other than where the characters that we see on TV fall, you are not allowed to speak about it. Don’t get me wrong – awareness and acceptance is a necessity but some of us need more.

As I get older and DC gets older, I worry more and more about his future and his safety (don’t worry, I am not going to rehash all of my fears for the hundredth time). Awareness is/was necessary though. It brought us more programs into school systems and more understanding and hopefully, acceptance of the students. Awareness has done next to nothing for some of our children as they become adults.

With funding for the disabled being one of the first things to be cut in every budget, even some of those school programs are going away now. I have already said that DC, after all of the people I have put in place as guardians after I am gone are gone, will have to live in a group home. What if there is no funding for that sort of thing when I am gone? What if everything I have put in place falls apart due to these cuts or due to one little miss-step? What would have happened if our whole Social Security debacle happened after I was gone? (A debacle that turned out to be Social Security’s  fault, but they were perfectly willing to take his benefits away, knowing full well that it was their fault – this is a 3 part-er so if you are interested, start here). Who will be there to fix it all for him? Will he be out on the streets or institutionalized? He would not survive. He is in a staffed day/work program right now. He loves it. What happens when their funding gets cut (as it does every year)?

April is a very depressing month for me now-a-days. It really is. Please do not tell me that I am undervaluing my son’s life by saying that. I am not in any way.

He is happy.

You should be so happy.

I love our life.

He loves his life.

I would not change a thing about him, except for his future.

I worry for his future and it is not for you or anyone to judge a parent, any parent who is just worried for their child’s future. His future is not your future, it is not your child’s future, you cannot compare.

I do not disparage those that are celebrating. I do not disparage the associations/charities they choose to support or not support. I do not disparage Autism Awareness at all. I am glad there is push for awareness and acceptance, but it needs to encompass everyone and we need more – much more. 

So I will just continue on my way, writing stories – some with humor and some not, some about progress made and some not. But through-out those stories, it should be apparent to you just how much I love this “boy” and how proud I am of him every day. If it is not in your face apparent in one or two; all I can say is that everybody has a bad day once in a while. I will continue to write about DC and our life  just to raise awareness to another side of the spectrum. I will continue to call and email my representatives whenever the threat of more cuts are in the air. I will continue to plan and research other methods of making sure he is safe and taken care of.

So yes, I have a blue light. It is left over from Halloween, 4 years ago (maybe 5). It may be turned on if someone is stopping by  after dark, but it means nothing other than the fact that I am just too lazy to switch out a perfectly good, working light bulb.

I am glad there is an awareness day and an awareness month. I am glad it has also become an acceptance day and acceptance month.

We need more.