Cons and Sing-a-longs

“Penny” is in the house! NY Comic-Con – October 2013 – Comic Con

This year we decided to forego our annual October/Halloween weekend in Salem to attend NY Comic-con.

October… Costumes… it qualifies.

This was our very first “Con” and me, in my infinite wisdom, decided not to start small. Nope…. New York City…. Huge…. Mega Crowds…. but I have to say that it really went well. {Continue….}


How do you solve a problem like…… – December 2013 (about an event in 2012) – Sing-a-long

One of DC’s favorite musicals – and there are plenty- is the Sound Of Music.

He was introduced to the Sound Of Music by his cousin Erica, who gave him his first copy of the movie in VHS form when he was 6 or 7. I never imagined he would watch it, let alone learn every word to every song, but he did. It is still one of his favorites.

He has the DVDs, the soundtrack, the album insert,  books (which were not easy to find), Christmas ornaments, music box,  he dressed as “Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes” {Continue….}


“We Go Together…….. – March 2014 – Sing-a-long

…like Ramma lamma lamma Ka dinga da dinga dong
Remembered forever like Shoo-wop sha whada whadda Yippidy boom da boom
Chang chang changity chang shoo bop That’s the way it should be
Waooo Yeah!” {Continue….}


“To Boldly Go……” (August 2014) – Shore Leave Con – Baltimore

I confess…

I admit it…

I am just a big old Sci-fi geek from way back. I watched the first episode of Star Trek back in 1966/1967 (?) and I was hooked – for life.

The first “sign” that DC learned when he was very young (for those of you that may not know, DC was non-verbal until he was 7 years old) was the “Live Long and Prosper” sign. If and when he saw a picture of Mr. Spock or heard him mentioned, he used that sign.



Because, Because, Because, Because….BEEEE CAUSE (October 2014) Neither a Con or a Sing-a-long, but going in costume would have been an option if it was not so cold – Autumn at OZ, NC

Right up there on DC’s ‘fandom’ meter with all things Disney is the Wizard of Oz. I can not really put my finger on how, when or where this fixation developed as it is not a Disney production, but it certainly did. DC owns every version of every book, movie and soundtrack of The Wizard of Oz.

There is nothing that would make him happier than a visit to OZ. {Continue….}


Everything is Related – Dr. Who – June 2015 – Again not a Con or a Sing-a-long, but an “Experience”Cardiff, England

Relating the things that DC loves to anything else just helps to make it more enjoyable for him. DC loves to travel, but if we are not traveling to Disney World I usually rack my brain to come up with something to make the trip more interesting and exciting for him. Recently we took a trip to London and Paris.

One of the items on our agenda would be a trip to Cardiff and the Dr. Who Experience – have I mentioned that before?🙂 . DC loves Dr. Who, but he gravitates more to the David Tennant Doctor and Rose combo. He eventually warmed up to Matt Smith, but he is having trouble relating to the Peter Capaldi Doctor. {Continue….}


Parts of The Rhode Island Comic Con were wonderful, but  quite a lot of it was brutal. The experience needed to be told in four separate posts

“Don’t you cry no more” #Supernatural – (November 2015) Rhode Island Comic Con

Earlier this month we attended Rhode Island Comic-Con in Providence. It was an experience to say the least.

(I have a lot to say about our visit to the Rhode Island Comic-Con. Some good; some not so much. Everyone we met was very nice. Now I understand that they are supposed to be, but we all know that it isn’t always the case. There were a few people who were just extraordinarily wonderful to DC, so I want to be sure I mention all of them. Because I have so much to say about the entire event; Autism-related and not,  I have decided to split the story up into a few parts, by category rather than in order by the day) 

Let me first say that I am a huge fan of  Jim Beaver. I have been since his time on Deadwood. {Continue…}


“Hello Sweetie” – (January 2016) – Rhode Island Comic Con

I will say again that I am so glad we went on Friday night just to get the lay of the land for Saturday. It was not crowded at all. We saw and did more that I ever imagined we would get to do – of course this also means that I spent so much more money than I had intended. But how could one pass up all of these people just standing around waiting for the crowds that didn’t come until Saturday?

After leaving the “Supernatural (or the “Don’t You Cry No More”) room, thinking we would not be so lucky as to happen upon another room with people just standing around waiting – we happened upon Scott Wilson. {Continue….}


“The ‘boy’ who waited” …. and waited and waited – (January 2016) – Rhode Island Comic Con

After a fantastic time on Friday night, we ventured back on Saturday, knowing full well that it would be much more crowded and we would not be able to do much more than the photo ops we still had scheduled. Before heading to the photo-op room, we took one more swing by the Supernatural and Walking Dead rooms, just to see if there was anyone there that hadn’t been there on Friday night. Sure enough – there was “Merle”! We got in line. Again, DC does not know who he is and again, he would be acting as my stand in. There were two women in front of us that asked me to take their photo with Merle (Michael Rooker) and of course I obliged. Knowing as we do how DC can not resist a camera, especially one in his mother’s hands; he jumped in the photo with the two women. {Continue….}


“What’s the matter with Ren?” …. Not a thing – (March 2016) – Rhode Island Comic Con

Here we have the final installment of our visit to RI Comic-Con – I did say that I had a lot to say about it, didn’t I?

Again, we are going  back to Friday night – the best night of the Con, in my opinion….

We arrived in Providence on Friday afternoon. We had plans to meet with Wendy,  an old friend of mine from the old neighborhood and also of Wendy Jane’s Soul Shake fame. Although we are in contact via Facebook, I do not believe that I have laid eyes on her since high school. {Continue…}


Star Trek Missions NY (and a little bit Reading Rainbow) – (September 2016) New York City

In honor of Star Trek (The Original Series) 50th anniversary I present Our Trip to Star Trek Missions New York….

I just happened to actually read my email one day in mid-August and I saw the announcement for Star Trek Mission NY on Labor Day weekend. I bought the tickets almost immediately. I have been a fan of Star Trek from the time the very first episode aired back in 1966 – <sarcasm font> I was just an infant, not even born, yet really <end sarcasm font>, so needless to say, I was excited. {Continue….}


Star Fleet Experience at the Intrepid – NYC (September 2016) – Again not a Con or a Sing-a-long, but an “Experience”

Just a few photos – It was fun! {Continue…}


Hartford Comic Con (September 2016) Connecticut

Lately, one might assume that I spend all of my time attending Comic-Cons or Star Trek events. Sadly, this is not the case. I can see why it might look that way from the last few weeks, but really – normally – it is not the case.

My brother has never been to a Comic-Con. He is a magician and has attended and been a part of many magic conventions and Ren Faires  {Continue….}


Let’s Talk about Kim Rhodes #SPNNJ (September 2017 NJ)

For the few people who may not have heard, we attended the Supernatural NJ Con this past weekend. Because I have learned a “few” things over the years; specifically, that I would not hear about anything else for months ahead of time if DC knew that Kim Rhodes was scheduled to be there – I did not mention it to him. But DC being DC somehow figured it out (I still do not know how) and trust me, I have heard about “Zack and Cody’s Mom” daily since July. { Continue….}


Supernatural – I wish I was able to hear that Conversation #SPNNJ – (September 2018 – NJ)

This week the Finish The Sentence Friday prompt is a Listicle – “Share 10 photos from your phone”. There could not have been more perfect timing. { Continue…..}

Quarantine Diaries – Part 11: Sabrina the Teenage Witch – (May 2020 – Home)

Last week I saw a post about a Sabrina The Teenage Witch Virtual cast reunion. I went back and forth with myself for a day or two between – {Continue}