If you knew…. Peggy Sue..

DC is not always a fountain of information. Most of the time it is very difficult pulling information out of him.
A few weeks ago, he left for his volunteer job at a local theater at 5:00pm (with his job coach, Mrs. H.). Volunteers have to arrive 2 hours before show time to put the programs together for that performance and to get their assignments for that evening. DC is almost always assigned as a greeter – he passes out the programs to the audience members as they walk in and recites his line “Enjoy the show”.
At the beginning of each season, when I have to pick the dates he is available to work, the name of the show is not available – probably because they do not want the volunteers to choose only by what show they may want to see. I also have to work around his schedule and Mrs. H’s schedule, so I am really just looking at dates and nothing else. This particular show, as it turned out was Alton Brown from the Food Network. When their beginning of the show greeting duties are over, many times the volunteers are able to sit and see a good portion of the show.

At 9:45 I received a text from Mrs. H. I assumed it would say that they were on their way home, but no…. it said “We’re still here”. They finally arrived home at 11:00PM – After being there for 6 hours, the only information he gave me was:
“A man making ice cream” – that was all he had to say…
My friend Bill responded to my non-information post with:
“I LOVE it, with all that Alton does and his wild energy, DC found the most memorable part of Alton’s show! You could start a new Blog called “DC’s Cliff Notes of Live shows at the theater!” I love how our guys and gals simplify what they see and hear into something that is truthful & concise!”
So true….. and I may just do that, but the reviews just may be very short.

DC, his best friend BB and I had tickets for the Buddy Holly Story yesterday. DC did work the performance the night before, but he was excited to see the show again with BB.

On Saturday morning, DC was concerned due to all of the snow that had already fallen (5 inches) when we woke up:

Despite the snow, we made it.

They both just loved the show. They had a great time.
buddy holly

This morning, DC was full of information and chatter about the ‘wonderful’ time he had yesterday. I was there but he was determined to tell me about it anyway, and I’ll take it…. it was unprompted information.

So in DC’s words, his review of his day:

I had a nice time last ‘even-ing’.
I went to see Buddy Holly Story with my friend BB.
We danced and danced and danced.

We had a scared of fright – jump up – PHEW!
America the Beautiful favorite song.
I went to dinner and Donna and John and Mom – me too!

“We had a scared of fright – jump up – PHEW!”
Fortunately we had box seats as DC jumped up as if he could not control himself any longer, to dance. I mentioned to him later that he scared me because he jumped up so fast. He was using part of his favorite phrase “You gave me a fright” from the Lindsay Lohan version of the “Parent Trap”.

“America the Beautiful favorite song”
DC does have a love for all patriotic songs. He even has a sign language dvd of only patriotic songs, but I suspect that he chose it as his favorite from the show because it was really the only song he was familiar with.

“I went to dinner and Donna and John and Mom – me too!”
Because the snow was supposed to be much worse than it turned out to be, BB’s mom offered to drop us off as her car is much better in the snow than mine is. We all went out to dinner afterwards.

So there you have it, DC’s review of his day. I know he had a great time as he is still talking about it.

As for the “blind scheduling” method for volunteers at the theater, I just received DC’s schedule for the second half of the season. The first show he is scheduled to work is “50 Shades, the Musical Parody”.

I think DC and Mrs. H will be hanging out in the lobby for that one………….

13 thoughts on “If you knew…. Peggy Sue..

  1. Wow……. First off– my brother KINSEY is a big fan of AB’s “Good Eats” TV series. (He doesn’t watch Cutthroat Kitchen…… Idk why…) We volunteered at our local nursing home when we lived in my hometown. We loved it. KINSEY went to see “Charlie” here in Amarillo. We went to see a show at the famous Gem Theatre in Claude — )another small town 17 miles from Panhandle) — but the electricity was out all over town. So us and shows have had a checkered existence…..


  2. I recognized his face but I don’t really watch the Food Network, so I could not imagine what he could be doing for all that time for a show. I used to work in a Convalescent Home, so DC has spent a good amount of time there over the years too! Our electiricty is threatening to go out today/tonight. Blizzard on the way!


  3. Is there a difference in his level of communication about an event that is reflective of how much he enjoyed it? I love his job – what a great job, how fun it must be!


    • Oh yes, most definitely. For the most part, he is very clear and very communicative when he is communicating his needs and wants. Conversation is very difficult for him. Questions – who, what, where and why are very difficult for him. He does seem to get the I, me, you correct only when he is excited about something. But yes, he seems to give me much more detail when it is about something he really enjoyed and more so when I haven’t asked. If I has asked him about his day, I would have gotten all one word answers. (Typing on my phone – no guarantee that this will make any sence 😃)

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