As Summer Moves Into Fall

Never could I have ever imagined when I was younger, that I would at some point be counting the days until summer was over.

Summer was ALWAYS my season.

We were on the beach by the end of March or early April (maybe in not so warm conditions, but we were there) and perfectly tanned by the end of April. A co-worker and co-sun worshipper used to say:

“You realize, by the time we are 40, we are going to be nothing but leather and teeth”. When you are in your 20’s you really could care less or think about what you will look like in your 40’s.

As I got older – still worshiping the sun, I did take better care to use sunscreen.

The heat never bothered me. I could walk for miles in any kind of heat and it was never a big deal. I remember on one of my marathon walks, during a heatwave more than one person stopping me to tell me that it was just too hot to be out walking. It never bothered me.

DC always loved to swim.

All vacation destinations were somewhere warm and beachy.

Fall/Autumn meant Halloween (a good thing) but other than that, only meant that winter was on the way.

It’s amazing how things have changed.

My Listicle about the changing of the seasons is a bit different from what it would have been even 5 years ago:

  1. DC who is more and more annoyed with the Air Conditioner (“Hair-dish-on”) over the past few years, is getting antsy for it to come out.
  2. DC, who works outdoors and in a greenhouse is at the end of his rope with the morning bug spray and sunscreen application.
  3. DC, who hates to wear shorts, is already getting anxious to have his long pants back (It is still HOT here so that will not be happening soon)
  4. DC decided he did not love the water as much as he used to.
  5. Mid-August through the end of September have been difficult for DC over the past few years because of all of the above and because there is a limit to just how much he can take of all of the above.
  6. Fall is now MY Season. Once it cools down a bit, I might just venture outside once in a while.
  7. I wish the Autumn season was a little bit longer. I feel as if we are losing it as we have lost any resemblance of Spring over the last few years. The weather goes from Cold to Hot and really not too much “Spring” in-between. Summer seems to go on much longer than it did and is really starting to  taking a bite out of the Fall season.
  8. Our favorite “holiday” comes in the Fall – the one thing that has not changed over the years.
  9. We try to schedule vacations now, closer to home and with no beaches involved.
  10.  I am no longer “One with the Heat”.


This is a Listicle Friday post. It’s the Week 2, of the old school blogging, prompt for the Finish the Sentence Friday writing community where I’m co-hosting with Kristi Campbell of Finding Ninee. This week we are sharing “10 things about the changing of the seasons”.



8 thoughts on “As Summer Moves Into Fall

  1. We’ve never been a lovetheheat family – so the Autumn comes with relief here, too. But you are right, it seems to be getting shorter. My husband is good to “make” us take at least one drive when the colors really shift, so that we don’t miss it while it’s here. Lovely post. 🙂


  2. Oh, I hear that although my birthday is in summer and same with my daughter so I’m partial. Fall is amazing.
    My sister used to use baby oil to tan and she’d get so dark. I said that by the time she’s 40 she’ll look like a leather handbag! Well we celebrated her 40th on Saturday night and she’s radiant!


  3. I can’t stand the heat. I had the hardest time moving from Colorado to Virginia where there was heat AND humidity. Gross. It took about four years to be even a little ok with it. And now we’re back in Colorado and I’m getting used to the intense sun again! I tanned SO much in my 20’s – I regret that now. Here’s to Fall and Halloween because HALLOWEEN!!! 🙂

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  4. I’ve always wondered about people who are running or walking on a super hot day and seemingly the hottest time of day where I’m waiting for sunset to be able to check the mail! I can’t with the heat. I love the cold (North Carolina cold). I’m with DC, I hate using bug spray, shorts are not my favorite and I’m tired of the white noise of the hairdishon.

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